Additional Information

The Agency Discussions is not what you might expect from a typical LDS book. Its primary purpose is not to build testimony, defend the faith, or help the reader become a better person. Having said that, I expect that many readers will find things that are meaningful, insightful, and important to them as they consider the meaning of agency from a different point of view.

The book is written as a series of discussions between Brother A, a fictitious Institute instructor, and some of his students. Bro. A shares his research and ideas with his students, who have their own thoughts, opinions, and questions. As the reader "listens in" on the discussions, I hope that they will develop their own thoughts, opinions, and insights and become an additional participant in The Agency Discussions.

The first part of the book investigates the concept and meaning of the word agency as it has been used both inside and outside of the Church over time. The second part develops and presents a different definition and concept of agency, applies it to LDS scripture, looks at its implications, and addresses other related principles and issues.

The definition for the scriptural concept of agency presented in The Agency Discussions does not contradict the principles and teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It does, however, allow the reader to view things from a different vantage point and gain new ideas, insights, understanding, and appreciation for various aspects of the gospel.

The Agency Discussions Chapter Overview
This is a list of the Chapters in The Agency Discussions. It can provide an overview of the main topics covered by the book.

This is the full outline used by The Agency Discussions; however, a few subsections appear in a slightly different order in the book for convenience.